Can Video Games Help You In Real Life? 7 Remarkable Benefit Of Gaming You Should Know!

In this post, I will talk about the effects of playing video games, especially, can video games help you in real life?

In short, yes, playing video games can help you in real life.

There are many benefits to playing video games that will help you in life.

Take better social and communication skills, for example.

Further, we will discuss in-depth about:

  • How do Video Games Help Us?
  • Benefits of Video Games
  • Can Video Games Help Solve Real-World Problems? 
  • And many more…

You will love this post if you want to know more about the remarkable benefits of gaming and how video games will help you in real life.

Let’s dive right in!

Can Gaming Help You in Real Life?

You’ve probably heard how playing video games often get a bad reputation.

Many people will assume that gaming is an unproductive, time-wasting activity.

In fact, older generation will often associate gamers with laziness.

This is true because some gamers can spend hours of gaming every day. 

However, many gamers know that it is not essentially the case.

Games can provide a simulated world that is full of interesting objects, visuals, and objectives. 

As a matter of fact, many studies are starting to find the advantages of gaming.

Many scientific research underlines that there is a bucket load of positive effects of video games. 

It ranges from enhancing the learning ability to help improve mental health. 

To understand how video games can help in real life, keep on reading!

how do video games help us in real life?

How do Video Games Help Us? 

It’s a question many people ask but never really get an answer to.

Sure, you can say they help us by keeping us active or giving us skills that we can use in real life. 

But, what if I told you that video games train you for real life?

You may be wondering how and I don’t blame you as this may sound a bit far-fetched, but it is very real. 

The first way video games help us is by keeping our brains active. 

You might think that playing video games all day isn’t going to keep your brain sharp, but you’d be wrong. 

The human brain is like a muscle; if you don’t use it, you lose it. 

Research has shown that people who play video games regularly often have better reflexes and are quicker to make decisions. 

This is because many video games require you to make quick decisions and move quickly. 

For example, if you were playing a racing game and another car was on the screen, you had to decide whether to pass or stay behind.

You then have to quickly move your fingers to push the buttons required to pass the car before he passes you. 

This all may sound simple, but it trains your brain to make quick decisions and gives you quick reflexes. 

The second way video games help us is by giving us the skills needed in real life. 

This one is pretty obvious, but a lot of people overlook it. 

These days, most games require some skill to play. 

Whether it be reflexes, strategy, or thinking, most games need you to use some part of your brain.

So these are some of the ways a video game can help you.

Let us get deeper and talk about the seven remarkable benefits of video games you should know.

Also read: Are Video Games Considered as A Sport?

Benefits of Video Games 

Improve Visual Recognition 

Gamers who play fast-paced games and FPS games tend to have better visual acuity.

They can see things more clearly and have a better reaction time than those who don’t. 

This is because the video game is continuously forcing them to make quick decisions based on what is going on in the game. 

When playing a fast paced game, you need to make quick decisions, or you’ll get kicked out of the game very quickly.

You have to quickly recognize patterns and small details, training their brains and their eyes to respond faster.

Doing this repeatedly for an extended time will help improve visual recognition and will allow you to react faster.

Help You to Learn Faster

The positive effects of video games are healthy brain stimulation. 

Because of this healthy stimulation, it will develop your brain to react and think faster.

A study from Brown University stated that people who game a lot are better at learning new skills than non – gamers.

Another study backed this result by claiming that gamers have more grey matter on their brain.

To put it simply, grey matter in the brain is what processes information. 

The more grey matter you have, the smarter you are.

There are a lot of things that video games make you do that make you smarter. 

For example, when you play games, you have to create strategies to beat a level or boss. 

You also have to learn the different strategies from other people you may know.

All of this will train you and your brain to think faster and creatively and will make you a better learner at the end of the day.

Enhance Problem Solving Ability 

At the same time, playing video games improves your problem-solving skills. 

In most games, you have obstacles that you must overcome to advance to the next level or beat the competition.

When you’re playing a game and reaching a part that you can’t seem to pass, your brain tries to figure out a way to pass it by thinking of different strategies. 

One of the most essential skills that you need in real life is problem-solving skills. 

When playing video games, you will face many different problems, and you have to use your skills to figure out how to solve them. 

This often translates to a real-world scenario.

This is validated by the studies from North Carolina State University and Florida State University.

From their studies, they concluded that playing games could help improve your problem-solving abilities.

Reduce Gender Differences 

There are many gender differences between men and women. 

From the toys that we choose to play with as children to the careers we select as adults, men, and women are different. 

However, one thing that video games can do is to help reduce these differences. 

By playing video games, men and women can experience something that the other gender shares. 

By experiencing what the other gender experiences, we become more knowledgeable about their experiences and lives. 

This can help us to understand one another better. 

Playing video games can help break down barriers between men and women.

So, playing video games can provide a community that sheds the gender bias. 

It is also implemented by some gaming organizations such as NetEnt that want a 50/50 goal in 2020. 

Help Gamers to be Physically Active 

Playing video games is not a passive activity. 

Many people are under the misconception that playing video games means that you’re just sitting around doing nothing.

However, this is not the case. 

Playing video games can actually get you up and moving around. 

Playing games such as Dance Dance Revolution, for example, can actually help you get up and be more physically active.

Modern games technology such as VR, AR, or movement recognition will get gamers to move around. 

Games like Pokemon Go uses modern AR technology to encourage its player to go out and explore their cities and surrounding and be physically active.

It takes the players across physical space, allowing them to move and active during gameplay. 

Indeed, most of the game today will be played while sitting in front of a console or pc.

But they will use their hand, eyes, and brain. 

In this case, you can still reap the benefit of gaming, which is better hand – eye coordination.

Also read: Is Oculus Quest Good for Exercise?

Improve Social Skill

One of the reasons why many people play video games is because they help to improve their social skills. 

Many video games require players to work together in order to be successful. 

This helps players to learn how to interact with others and to work as a team.

With the help of the internet, multiplayer games have become the reason why the gaming community is growing fast. 

By playing games with others, we can learn how to communicate with others effectively to achieve a goal. 

We can also learn how to cooperate with others to solve problems. 

Playing video games can help us to become more social and improve our social skills.

Improve Mental Health and Reduce Stress 

Another benefit of playing games comes from its ability to aid mental health and stress management.

Some players found that playing games can help fighting mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. 

Playing video games can be an enjoyable way to reduce stress and increase happiness. 

When you’re having fun and focusing on the game, it takes your mind off any worries or concerns you might have. 

A study suggests that your brain actually releases more dopamine when you play video games.

In short, dopamine is the feel-good hormone produced by your brain.

This is a chemical released whenever a person enjoys themselves, and it makes them feel happy. 

This can help people with depression as it provides them with a reason to feel good, if only for a little while.

Several studies were done in early 2010 also found that playing video games helps produce positive emotions.

This is why video games are important to mental health because it reduces the risk of depression, anxiety, and stress level.

Can Video Games Help Solve Real-World Problems? 

So, can video games help you in real life? The answer is yes. 

As fun as video games are to play, they also have the potential to make our lives more comfortable in the future. 

Research and development of video games are becoming more common in today’s society. 

Many video games are now being created to help solve real-world problems.

For example, video games that teach people about climate change and ways to reduce its effects are becoming more common. 

This is a great way to get people interested in this critical issue while having fun. 

Another example is a video game that teaches first responders how to handle different emergencies. 

This can help them prepare for real-life events and keep them from getting bored during long workdays.

At the same time, there are also some cases that gamers use their gaming knowledge to solve real-life problems. 

One story in 2013 about a boy who can identify dangerous items based on his experience playing Counter-Strike. 

The boy asked their friends to stay away from it knowing how dangerous it is. 

It proves that the player can learn more than gameplay and tactics from video games. 

Many reports also found that students who enjoy playing games tend to have better academic achievement. 

So when you are asked about why you play video games, now you have the answer.

Why Video Games Good for Communication? 

Playing video games is a great way to improve your communication skills. 

This is because you must be able to work together and communicate with other players to win. 

When multiple people are playing, they must communicate with one another in order to win. 

This requires them to listen, comprehend, and then respond to one another. 

This is similar to real-life, where you must listen, comprehend, and respond to others to get things done. 

Playing video games can also help you learn how to cooperate with one another. 

This is because most games require multiple people to work together in order to win. 

This can help people improve their skills when it comes to teamwork. 

These types of skills can then be used in the real world when working with others.

What about single-player games?

Well, it also, in a way, teach you the essence of communication.

For example, a single-player mode in a video game requires the player to read the instructions and play the game. 

This requires you to read and understand what is being asked of you. 

Either interacting with NPCs or with real players, gamers need to learn and understand conversations. 

These interactions inside a video game will help you improve your communication skills.

In fact, I strongly believe video games can help you get a job and excel in your career because of the communication skills you learn from it.

Are Video Games Good for You?

Yes, playing a video game is good for your brain, mental health, and physical health. 

As long as you are not playing it excessively.

Several studies we mentioned above show how video games can help you in real life.

They stimulate your brain, helping you to learn quicker and react faster to your surrounding.

You can also improve your problem-solving skills and communication skills by playing video games.

Furthermore, playing video games can help you reduce stress and anxiety.

Several modern games also promote physical activities that can help you burn calories and stay fit.

At the same time, You can sometimes use knowledge and information you get from the game in real life scenario. 

They can teach you new things, improve the skills you already have, and prepare you for real-life scenarios.


So, can video games help in real life?

The answer is a resounding yes.

There are many different ways of how playing video games help you in real life.

We have talked extensively about the reasons to play video games above.

As long as you play games in moderation, these gaming activities will not pose any harmful effects to you.

About the Author
Hi, I'm Steve. I'm a proud gamer. I have been active within the gaming sphere for 30+ years. As gaming is something I enjoy very much, I want other people to enjoy it also. That is exactly why I started this blog.

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