Is Astroneer Cross-platform? Learn about Astroneer Cross-play Features in 2021!

If you are stumbled upon this post, you must be googling the question: Is Astroneer Cross-platform?

Well, you have come to the right place.

In this post, we aim to answer just that question and cover some frequently asked questions about those features.

In a nutshell, Astroneer is cross-platform but only limited to PC players and Xbox players. This means that players playing Astroneer on their PC can play together with players playing on their Xbox.

So if you are trying to understand Astroneer cross-platform support and cross-play capability, you’ll want to read this post.

Let’s dive right in!

Is There Cross-play in Astroneer?

Astroneer is an open world sandbox game set in space where you can explore the planets, mine resources, craft items, and build bases. 

Think Minecraft but with a space exploration background.

The game is developed and published by System Era Softworks and is currently available on multiple gaming platforms.

Currently, Astroneer is available on Windows 10, Steam, Xbox One, and Playstation 4. 

What we love about Astroneer are its unique and calming vibes.

The game has a fascinating and unique art style that makes everything in the game look beautiful and attractive.

The music used in Astroneer is also very calming, making playing this game very enjoyable.

The gameplay of the game is also very unique as it has a lot of exploration elements and resource gathering. 

Astroneer also features a multiplayer mode where you can play with up to three other players either cooperatively or competitively.

But you’re probably wondering:

Is there cross-play in Astroneer? Does Astroneer have support for Cross-platform play?

Well, today we are going to talk just about that.

Yes, Astroneer is a cross-platform game. There is a cross-play support Astroneer for PC players and Xbox players.

In other words:

Yes, you can play Astroneer together with your friends even if they own a different gaming platform than you.

However, this feature is only available for Xbox players and PC players.

So players playing Astroneer in their PlayStation 4 will not receive cross-play support.

This means players on PlayStation 4 can only play with players using the same console.

How Do You Cross-play in Astroneer?

To cross-play in Astroneer, you firstly must check that you are playing either using an Xbox or a gaming PC.

So if you are playing with a PlayStation 4, sorry to say, but you cannot play Astroneer with those using different gaming platforms.

Now there are two ways you can cross-play between Xbox players and PC players.

Let us discuss them one by one.

Xbox and Windows 10 Cross-play

This method only works if the PC player gets their Astroneer game from the Windows Store.

To invite your friends to a game, you can invite them using the Xbox party feature.

If you are playing on your PC, you need to invite your friend using Windows Xbox App.

Or, if you are playing from your Xbox, you can just find their username and invite them to a game.

After they accept your invite, then you will be in the game together.

And that’s it!

Pretty simple, right?

One thing to note that many players reported that they receive “failed to connect to host” notifications when they are attempting to play together.

If you receive this notification, you can try a couple of these things below:

  1. Restart your PC and Xbox.
  2. Disable Firewall on your PC.
  3. Make sure Astroneer on your PC and Xbox have the same version.
  4. Re-install your copy of Astroneer on your PC.

Usually, we can join a game just fine by performing one of the four troubleshooting tips above.

Xbox and Steam Cross-play

Now, if you get your Astroneer on Steam instead of the Windows Store, you can still cross-play with Xbox players.

However, it will not be as straight forward as the steps above.

I’m talking about where you can just invite your friends if they get their Astroneer game from Windows Store.

To enable cross-play between Xbox and Steam, you need to set up a dedicated server for Astroneer.

This way, you can cross-play Astroneer between the Xbox players and Steam players.

You can watch this video below on how to set up a dedicated server for Astroneer.

Or, if you prefer to read the setup guide, you can find the complete walkthrough here.

Is Astroneer Cross-platform between Steam and Xbox?

Yes, Astroneer is Cross-platform between Steam and Xbox users.

Like we have mentioned earlier, to enable the cross-play between Steam and Xbox players, you will need to set up a dedicated server for Astroneer.

Astroneer itself is recommending players that want this feature to rent a server through NITRADO

You can check the guide on setting up an Astroneer server from the video we posted above this section.

Is Astroneer Cross-platform between PS4 and Xbox?

Unfortunately, Astroneer is not cross-platform between PS4 and Xbox. There is no cross-play support for PlayStation players at the moment.

In other words:

Players using their PS4 to play Astroneer cannot play a multiplayer game with those playing on their Xbox.

This lack of supports disappoints PlayStation players. Now they are limited to play this game only with those using PlayStation 4.

Also read: Is Human: Fall Flat Cross-platform?

Is Astroneer Split Screen in 2021?

Split-screen co-op definitely will bring more fun to the game.

Many had asked the same question.

However, Astroneer doesn’t have a split-screen feature even in 2021.

So, if you’re hoping that there will be split-screen, bad news, guys.

However, you could still do co-op with your friends on the same platform.

We suggest you play Astroneer this way.

Besides, having only half the screen might hamper many activities in the Astroneer environment. 

At least the team behind the game stated previously that split-screen is something they are interested in trying in the future.

Conclusion: Is Astroneer Cross-platform in 2021?

To sum everything up, Yes, Astroneer is cross-platform in 2021. Astroneer enables cross-platform play features for its Xbox players and PC players.

Unfortunately, no cross-platform play for PlayStation players.

In other words:

You can only play other PlayStation 4 players.

Anyway, we hope that you now know how to cross-play in Astroneer.

Have fun exploring space with your astronaut friends!

About the Author
Hi, I'm Steve. I'm a proud gamer. I have been active within the gaming sphere for 30+ years. As gaming is something I enjoy very much, I want other people to enjoy it also. That is exactly why I started this blog.

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